By Genevieve Balance Kupang and Fred Florenz O. Abastillas

Baguio Central University (BCU) recently held a two-day training workshop last April 29-30, 2024, titled “Write and Publish: Books & High-Impact Journals,” marking a significant step forward in the university’s commitment to research excellence. The training, held in partnership with Beyond Books Publishing (BBP), aimed to equip faculty, staff, and students with the knowledge and skills necessary to transform their research into impactful publications.
Dr. Margarita Cecilda B. Rillera, the University President, emphasized the training’s alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), national goal, and BCU’s desired results. She highlighted CMO 15, 2019, which emphasizes fostering a research-intensive environment, aligning with UN SDGs #4 (Quality Education) and #17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Dr. Rillera expressed her gratitude to the Graduate School for taking the initiative to develop this program, in partnership with the College of Nursing & School of Midwifery and the College of Business Administration. She thanked Dr. Elma D. Donaal, VPAA, for her unwavering support in bringing this initiative to fruition.
This event aligns with an exhortation in the President’s dissertation on “Adherence of BCU to the Ten Areas of Accreditation.” She recommended investing in the future of research by equipping participants with the necessary tools for academic publishing success. The vision is for BCU administrators, faculty, and graduates to become transformative figures in their fields, publishing innovative research with real-world impact and authoring influential books. As expressed in the recap of Dr. Lilian Pagulongan for Day 1 “The message of the University President, is clearly setting the direction of where the University shall gear up to.”

Honoring Faculty Mentors: Celebrating Students Online Publishing Success
In recognition of the exceptional dedication and guidance in supporting student research endeavors, the following Outstanding and Exemplary Faculty Mentors in Student Research Publications were awarded for their mentorship. These faculty have fostered a spirit of inquiry and excellence, empowering students to achieve the significant milestone of publishing their research findings in international journals. This recognition acknowledges the invaluable role they play in shaping the next generation of scholars. These were the following: Dr. Marilou Dela Peña, Instr. Aiza Bheal M. Kitani, Dr. Genevieve B. Kupang, Instr. Arlene A. Mintas, Instr. Teresa Lyn D. Matiwtiw, and Dr. Michael T. Sebullen.

Re-Igniting a Passion for Research
Dr. Genevieve B. Kupang, Dean of the Graduate School, emphasized that the training should extend beyond acquiring technical skills. She envisions this workshop yield multiple benefits for BCU: a significant increase in faculty and student publications in high-impact journals and books, enhancing the university’s research reputation nationally and internationally, and further solidifying BCU’s commitment to research excellence as outlined in CMO 15, 2019.

Professional Authors Share
The participants benefited from the expertise of a distinguished pool of speakers. Dr. Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., Dr. Leonilo B. Capulso (CEO of Beyond Books Publishing) and his team member Dr. Ryan B. De Los Reyes shared their extensive experience in academic publishing and book authorship.
On Day 1, Dr. Gilbert C. Magulod led sessions on “Mastering the Scientific Article,” covering topics like Article Outline, Introduction, Review of Related Literature, Materials and Methods, Drafting Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, Abstracts, and Practical Guide and Processes for Getting Published in High-Impact Journal.” Day 2 saw him focus on “Writing Research-Based Learning Modules” using the 5Es Model.”

A Graduate School faculty, Dr.
Lilian S. Pagulongan, summarized Dr. Magulod’s presentation on mastering
the scientific article: “Dr. Magulod emphasized the importance of research
publication. By publishing, researchers contribute to the advancement of
scientific knowledge by sharing their work and learning from others. He argued
that withholding or not publishing research is unethical. Dr. Magulod
emphasized a comprehensive approach to research publication, including diverse
avenues like literature reviews and methodological studies, as well as the
utilization of online tools and apps to enhance the research workflow. He
stressed that researchers should choose the most appropriate publishing format
(e.g., IPRC, IRICL, IRCIP) and target the right peer-reviewed journals.”
Dr. Capulso’s session focused on transforming a thesis
into a book, highlighting the potential for wider readership and increased
accessibility beyond academia. However, he emphasized that researchers must
consider several key factors before embarking on this process. His topics “From Thesis/Dissertation
to Book: Transforming Scholarly Insights into Published Wisdom” and
“How to Write a Book (Self-Publishing).”
The third speaker Dr. Ryan B. Delos Reyes
Dr. De Los Reyes addressed the “Impact of Book and Research
Publication on Professional Development and Career Progression.” He
expounded on the critical need for advanced research skills among scholars,
academics, and professionals. In today’s competitive academic and work landscape,
the ability to produce high-quality research articles and publish impactful
books is essential for career advancement and scholarly recognition. He
acknowledged that many researchers struggle with the intricacies of academic
writing, publication processes, and transitioning from thesis or dissertation
to a publishable book, but he assured the participants that with this
collaboration with BBP, research productivity and publication success can be

Dr. Marilou Dela Peña who gave the closing remarks emphasized the significance of meticulous research, clear communication, and the pursuit of excellence. As authors, it is essential to adhere to rigorous standards, engage in peer review processes, and contribute valuable insights to the academic community. The two-day training concluded with a certificate distribution ceremony and closing prayers by Dr. Michael De Roxas and Dr. Remedios Laroco.
Building on the valuable insights shared over the past two days, this training equips participants with the tools to conduct research and effectively share their findings. As Dr. Pagulongan said in her recap “At the end of every endeavor, our publication is just in the level 1 if it is just published, level 2 if it is commercialized and level 3 if it has changed the lives of the people. Let us be vigilant then of where we are publishing our works.” BCU can indeed contribute to a growing body of knowledge and improve educational practices for the benefit of the stakeholders.