CNSM administers rites of passage

CNSM administers rites of passage

Kristine A. Violata


The College of Nursing and School of Midwifery recognized its 2nd year Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery students by bestowing caps and pins to the 75 nursing and 6 midwifery honorees on October 7 at the BCU Function hall.

The donning of the emblems was held during the 28th Cap, Pin, and Candlelight and 25th Madonna Bust Ceremony, signifying the formal ushering of the students into

their profession with its theme “Nurturing and Rejuvenating Resilient Student Nurse and Midwives”.

The cap placed on their head symbolizes purity of intention, hence it must be carried with dignity and represents responsibility. The pinning entails that the students have joined the sisterhood and brotherhood of nurses and are ready to serve society as healthcare professionals. Further, the lamp is a popular symbol of the nursing profession.

Dr. Gina L. Casi, RN, PhD, Dean of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery

presented the honorees, and Dr. Olea P. Romero, RN, Level II Adviser, Clinical Instructor administered the Nightingale’s Pledge. Moreover, the midwifery’s prayer was led by Karen Christine C. Ando, RM, while the midwifery’s pledge was led by Daisy Joy B. Pelila, RM.

Meanwhile, the masters of ceremony were Mary H. Montemayor, RN, PhD Research Coordinator, and Hilario A. Sanglay, RN, Clinical Instructor.