The Libraries are open from 7: 30 o’clock a.m. to 5:00 o’clock p.m. (no noon break) from Mondays to Saturdays to give ample time to students to do their research.
The library is a primary educational resource that demonstrates the institution’s commitment to educational excellence. It provides books and other reference materials which will aid the students, faculty and other members of the University in the pursuit of education, information, the creative use of leisure time and other media technology. It is integral to the teaching and learning process as it facilitates the work of the teachers and ensures each student has equitable access to resources, irrespective of home opportunities or constraints.
General Rules
1. All sections of the Library is open for research and studying purposes only.
2. The borrower’s card is required for all transactions in the library.
3. Observe proper behavior while inside the Library. The following are not allowed while inside the Library: food and drinks, smoking, playing, assault and fighting, firearms and other deadly weapons, indecent and unbecoming conduct, loitering and menacing and such other prohibited acts stated in the BCU handbook.
4. All library users are requested to turn-off their cellular phones or set their units in silent mode.
5. Proper care in the use of Library materials is requested.
Violators of library rules shall be referred to the Student Services Office by the Chief Librarian for proper disciplinary action.
Policy on the Issuance of Borrower’s Card
The following are the requirements for the issuance of a borrower’s card:
1. Enrolment Registration Form and 1×1 I.D. picture.
2. A borrower’s card is issued at the start of each semester and to be surrendered at the end of the semester.
3. A borrower’s card is non-transferable.
Policy for Lost Borrower’s Card
1. A lost borrower’s card should be reported immediately to the section head librarian.
2. It shall be replaced upon payment to the cashier the amount of fifty pesos (P50.00) and after verification of the absence of other accountabilities.
Policy on Library Security
1. A baggage counter serves as a security system.
2. Students, employees, and visitors entering the library are required to leave their bags in the baggage counter and shall sign in the logbook upon entering.
3. Valuable belongings are to be hand-carried inside the library.
4. BCU is not liable for the loss of library users’ valuable belongings.
5. The library imposes that no student or faculty may borrow a book without their BCU I.D. and Borrower’s Card.
Policy on Borrowing of Books
For Overnight Use
1. Books with multiple copies can be borrowed overnight.
2. Books with limited copies cannot be borrowed overnight.
3. Issuance of books for overnight use is between 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. only.
4. A student may only borrow one (1) book for overnight use.
5. Books shall be returned not later than 9:00 o’clock a.m. the following day.
For Library Use
1. The following reference materials are for library use only: Encyclopedia,
Dictionaries, Periodicals, Vertical Files, Reserved Books, Thesis and
2. Borrowed reference materials shall only be for an hour but may be
renewed every hour if not demanded by other users.
For Long Term Use
1. A graduate student may borrow one (1) book for one (1) week and may be renewed once if the book is not demanded by students.
2. A faculty may borrow two (2) books for one (1) week and may be renewed once if such books are not demanded by others.
3. A faculty may borrow only those references in line with the subject(s) he/she is teaching for the current semester or term as shown in his/her confirmation of teaching load.
4. Books borrowed for long term use must be returned on the specified due date.
For Photocopy
1. Reference materials such as books, encyclopedias, dictionary, periodicals, vertical files and reserved books may be photocopied.
2. Reference materials may be borrowed for photocopying purposes only for a period of thirty (30) minutes.
Policy on User’s Privacy
1. A confidential relationship exists between the BCU Library and library users and such is protected.
2. The confidentiality of the following are hereby protected by the library: circulation records, registration records, materials request records, and reference research records.
Policy on BCU Alumni and Visitors
1. An alumnus of BCU shall have the privilege to use the library upon presentation of the BCU Alumni I.D.
2. Visitors or outside researchers may use the BCU Library subject to the following conditions:
2.1. presentation of an I.D.;
2.2. referral letter from his/her school, office or agency signed by the Chief Librarian or head of Office; and
2.3. receipt of payment.
3. They are subject to all rules of the library except for overnight privilege.
4. Visitors or outside researchers should wear their Visitor’s I.D. for identification purposes.
5. Library books and materials are for room use only.
6. Fees for the use of the Library shall be paid at the cashier.
Policy on Fines
1. Charges for overdue books and library materials are as follows:
1.1. a student will be charged a fine of twenty pesos (P20.00) for failing to return a book or a library material on time; and
1.2. additional fine of two pesos (P2.00) for every hour thereafter.
2. A student must settle first his or her obligations before borrowing another book or library reference.
Policy on Lost and Damaged Books
1. Books that are damaged or lost must be replaced immediately to the librarian for proper action.
2. A library user is given one (1) week to replace a lost book with the same title and of latest edition.
3. If no replacement is found, the current price of the latest edition shall be paid at the cashier upon endorsement and approval of the Chief Librarian.
Policy on Library Clearance
Student Clearance
1. A student clearance is secured in the following instances:
1.1. before the end of each semester and term; and
1.2. whenever the student comes to process his or her school credentials.
2. The Chief Librarian or his/her representative shall not sign the clearance of a student having library accountability.
3. During the clearance and examination period, a student may use books and library reference but strictly within the confines of the library only.
Policy on Internet Access
The purpose of the University internet access is to provide, enhance, and support the educational curriculum needs and research activities of all users.
The policy on internet access affirms intellectual freedom and equal access to information.
Library users must abide by the rules and regulations for the internet access provided by the University.