“Health is A Right, Serve the People! Everyone should have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them…”
June 12, 2024, commemorating our country’s 126th year of Independence, the Baguio Central University-College of Nursing and School of Midwifery(BCU-CONSOM) conducted a medical mission with the theme: “Revolutionizing Health, One Step at a Time” to Sitio Lusod, Tinongdan a small and growing IP community of Itogon, Benguet. A project initiated by the College’s Nursing students with their Team Leader Mr. Allan Guinanghan, one of the College’s Clinical Instructors.
The medical team consisting of several faculty members and volunteer nursing and midwifery students of CONSOM, BCU Graduate School, and delegates from DEPED, CHED, Philippine Science High School, PNP, Brgy. Officials, BPATs, BHW’s, Office of Congressman Eric Yap were welcomed by Mr. Philip Fowaya, Sitio Lusod’s elementary school principal.

Dr. Gina Casi, Dean of CONSOM gave a brief introduction of the medical mission’s objectives of giving back blessings to needy communities of basic health services and inspiring the future health providers to serve the people.
The partner agencies also each gave their messages to the community. DEPED representative Dr. May Claire Jimenez delivered her message in the local dialect, thanking the small community for accepting the whole delegation. Dr. Bernadette Pal-ec and her team from CHED, welcoming indigent students to avail of their scholarship program. PNP representative PSSg Edmund Wakit gave an inspirational message to the youth and later on rendered a song to the community.
Dr. Genevieve B. Kupang, Dean of BCU Graduate School awed the audience with an indigenous song and delivered an inspirational short story to the youth. The energetic Dr. Geraldine S. Orasing of PhiSci offered Mental Health Awareness consultation for those who were in need.
Dr. Marie Jorelyn Bahingawan from the Local Health Department , consulting physician of the medical mission also gave her short message

While the program was proceeding, nursing and midwifery faculty and students prepare at their stations for the medical consultations and circumcision of patients.
The members of the Philippine National Police provided “libreng gupit”, grooming the young boys while waiting for their turn for a minor surgery. They also gave haircuts to the adults who were present.

With the careful watch of the Clinical Instructors, selected nursing students conduct the circumcision in one of the classrooms prepared for the minor operations. The trained nursing students showed their knowledge and skill in doing minor operations which their proud clinical instructors prepared them for. The nursing students also showed their skills in handling their patients communicating with some of the patients who have lost their courage while the minor operation was ongoing. Some of the patients were accompanied by their parents, while they were being operated.

Free medicines and loot bags containing hygiene kit were distributed to the clients. Clothing and slippers were also distributed to all the clients and community members. School supplies where distributed to the pupils and books for the high school’s library.
As a sign of the Sitio Lusod community gratitude, the elders presented a song to the whole delegates and the pupils performed a dance number and recited poem that thrilled the whole audience. Each team also had their community dance with a live music from PSSG Edmund Wakit. The medical mission was concluded with a community gathering that they have prepared for the medical team and participants. Certificates were awarded to the delegates and sponsors of the medical mission given by the Lusod Barangay Captain.
The medical mission would not have been possible without support of the office of Congressman Eric Yap, the pharmaceutical companies, ABC Pres. Hon. Edwin Atumpag, Councilors Alejandro Palangdan and Diego Albino, IPMR Ernanie Pis-oy, DOH Baguio, BCU GS, and many more anonymous sponsors.
Emerson C. Soriano, BSEd, Bio, Chem
Faculty, College of Nursing and School of Midwifery
Gina L. Casi, RN, PhD
Dean- College of Nursing and School of Midwifery