Baguio City, August 12, 2023 – In a delightful sequel to the previous livelihood seminar, the Junior High School Department at Baguio Central University (BCU) hosted an engaging baking event titled, “Knead, Rise and Shine: Mastering the Art of Baking and Packaging.” This hands-on activity took place on August 12, 2023, from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the state-of-the-art TLE Room.
Building upon the success of the previous baking seminar, the focus this time shifted to the intricate details of product labeling and packaging. With a commitment to empowering the community, six enthusiastic participants from Purok 27, Irisan Baguio City, eagerly took part in this enriching experience.
Dr. Michael T. Sebullen, an experienced entrepreneur in the field of food industry shared tips for achieving the perfect texture and flavor in baked goods. The highlight of the day was a dedicated segment on crafting eye-catching labels and packaging that not only preserves freshness but also communicates a distinct brand identity—an essential skill for aspiring entrepreneurs in the baking industry.
“Inspiring enthusiasm and dedication among participants were our goal, and the overwhelming response was truly heartening,” said Dr. Sebullen expressing satisfaction with the participants’ commitment. As the seminar concluded, each participant not only left with refined baking techniques but also acquired valuable skills for presenting their creations professionally. Baguio Central University’s commitment to community development and empowerment shone through in this successful event. The participants from Purok 27 are now equipped to contribute to the world of baking and entrepreneurship, marking a positive outcome for both the university and the community.