Scholarship, Grants and Aids to Students

College Entrance Scholarships (for Incoming Freshmen Students)

    • With highest honors- 100% free tuition fee for one semester only
    • With high honors- 50% free tuition fee for one semester only

Academic Scholarship

Regular 2nd to 4th year students currently enrolled in the University who obtain a weighted average of at least 92 with no grade lower than 88 at the end of the semester, have no failing or incomplete grades in any subject and carry the minimum load prescribed may be granted college scholarship with a 50% tuition fee discount.

Athletic Study Grant

       University athletes are given tuition fee discount. Athletes should have a general average of 80 and have no incomplete or failing grade in any subject at the end of the semester in order to keep the scholarship. Failure(s) in any subject(s) shall be borne by the athlete.

Journalism Scholarship

The staff of the BCU-“The Flame”, the official student publication of the University is granted the following: 

  1. 100% tuition fee discount for the Editor-in-Chief
  2. 80% tuition fee discount for the Associate Editor-in-Chief, and
  3. 50% for the other staff members.

Staff members should have a general weighted average of 85 and no incomplete or failing grades in any subject at the end of the semester, must have at least three publications, must have 90% attendance in meetings and  have actively attended school activities and functions in order to keep the scholarship. The staff members shall have at least one publication per semester, otherwise, the posting of the scholarship discounts shall be held in abeyance until after the release of the required publication.

BCU Performing Arts Program (Chamber Choir and BCU Dance Troupe)

The BCU offers this grant to students enrolled in the Senior High School /College level. They are given tuition fee discount. New applicant should have a general average of 80% and have no incomplete or failing grade in any subject at the end of the semester in order to keep the scholarship. Failure(s) in any subject (s) shall be borne by the scholar. (Eligibilities and terms stated on page 20)

Group Discount for Siblings

A 10% discount on tuition fee is given to the youngest among the three siblings enrolled at Baguio Central University.

Faculty Personnel Study Grant

The University extends free tuition fee to children of faculty and administrative personnel enrolled in the University. A maximum of three (3) legitimate single children beneficiaries per faculty or personnel shall enjoy the privilege. In case that both husband and wife are connected with the University, they are limited to a maximum of three (3) legitimate children beneficiaries. The beneficiary(ies) must not be more than 21 years old if he or she is pursuing a baccalaureate degree. Further, the beneficiary must carry the prescribed number of load. Poor scholastic performance shall require review of scholarship privileges; however, consistent failure would cause the termination of the scholarship. Any of the general courses offered by the University is free except for Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Midwifery.

Government Grants

8.1             Student Assistance Fund for Education (SAFE) Loans

8.2             Philippine Veterans Administration Office (PVAO) Scholarship

8.3             National Cultural Indigenous People (NCIP)

8.4             CHED Student Financial Assistance Programs (StuFAPs)

8.5             CHED – UNIFAST – Tertiary Education Subsidy