On November 28-30, 2024, the faculty of the Baguio Central University—College of Criminal Justice Education attended a 3-Day-Seminar and Upskilling Program offered by the Philippine Investigation & Forensic Science Academy (PIFSA) in collaboration with the Forensic Science Practitioners of the Philippines Inc.(FSPPI), University of Baguio (UB), and the Wiseman’s Book Trading entitled “ATTAINING JUSTICE: INTEGRATING FORENSIC SCIENCE AND INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES” with a total of 22 CPD UNITS for Professionals.
The said 3-Day-Seminar were attended by Ms. Beca May P. Palitayan (OIC-DEAN CCJE), Mr. Ernesto B. Bucalan Jr., Ms. Rowena B. Gagno, Ms. Princess Joy B. Moyaen, and Ms. Laura Stephanie E. Gulla whom they believed that to attend this kind of seminar will leave a huge impact on their profession as Criminologist and of course to themselves also as an upskilled Instructors of the institution, Baguio Central University.
The activity was supposed to take place sometime in October 2024, unfortunately due to the numbers of typhoons that struck the country, the Philippine Investigation & Forensic Science Academy (PIFSA) were unable to make it so they decided to move the activity on November 28-30, 2024 that held at the University of Baguio (UB), Baguio City.
Several Law Enforcers, Criminology Practitioners, and various Instructors of the Universities in Luzon offering Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BS CRIM) courses also attended the 3-day-seminar to upskill their knowledge in the field of Forensic Science and for them to be able to share and apply in their respective agencies and workplaces their learnings and take aways during the seminar.
A series of topics were delivered by the esteemed guest speakers and criminology practitioners namely Dr. Miller Peckley the President of the Forensic Science Practitioners of the Philippines Inc.(FSPPI), Dr. Rudy Gahar the Training Director of Philippine Investigation & Forensic Science Academy (PIFSA), Dr. Godyson Dulfo the Training Director of the Forensic Science Practitioners of the Philippines Inc.(FSPPI) and Judge Adolfo Malingan (Ret.) as the Special Guest Lecturer which imparted and played an important role on the upskilling program for the attendees.
The seminar ended by closing remarks that came from the University of Baguio—School of Criminal Justice and Public Safety(UB-SCJPS) Dean, Dr. Charesma K. Lud-ayen, leaving words of encouragement and a challenge to the attendees to think of an “innovation” or “output” from the seminar that they will apply to their profession and to their agencies or workplaces when they get back. She even highlighted what Dr. Miller Peckley stated on the first day of the seminar that we don’t just attend the seminar for the purpose of the university accreditation, nor the 22 CPD Units that we can use in the renewal of our license, but on how we can apply the learnings we got on that 3-day-seminar to become also one of the guest speakers of seminars in the future.
The Baguio Central University—College of Criminal Justice Education (BCU-CCJE) faculty extends our gratitude to the University Administration especially to Madam President, Dr. Margarita Cecilda B. Rillera, for allowing and granting us the opportunity to join the said activity in order to mold our knowledge and upskill our intelligence in the field of Forensic Science. We’re looking forward to more activities like this and may you expect an upskilled version of us as your employees.
This is all for you Baguio Central University. We will continue to Soar high towards excellence!
Wow Criminology! Wow Baguio Central University!
-Laura Stephanie Gulla, RCrim